South Sudanese Enrichment for Families

News & Events

News and Events

Women's History and SSEF Women's Program Highlights


SSEF celebrates the successes of South Sudanese American Women and strives to provide access to resources in their pursuit of continuing education and better employment opportunities! Connecting women to available resources and helping with accessing education is our goal. 

 INVEST in the South Sudanese American women who are making history: 

  • mastering English and becoming U.S. citizens

  • earning certificates, and college degrees

  • serving as role models for their children and family in South Sudan

 SSEF’s Women’s Program Continuing Education and Tuition Reimbursement:

Scholarships for vocational certificates and college, and help finding resources for ESL classes, citizenship courses and driver’s education. Citizenship protects these women’s futures!

 Women's Empowerment is the key to future success.

Thank you for your support!

South Sudanese