South Sudanese Enrichment for Families

Summer Program 2020

Summer programming: a gift that lasts a lifetime

Summer Program

Check back for Summer Scholarships

Scholarship Programs


2020 Summer Program:

Here’s what we did this Summer!  

While the pandemic summer unfolded with a myriad of challenges, SSEF supplied enrichment to children and families. Our online offerings gave our community an opportunity to learn and connect. Here is small sampling of summer success with great gratitude for everyone who helped: 

SSEF Provided Chromebooks

Chromebooks were donated to 33 SSEF families to access our online programs and to further everyone’s education.

SSEF Supported Exercise & Creativity 

Many families, 15 in fact,  requested  helmets and scooters for outdoor exercise, and  17 families received  Lego/Duplo kits for indoor building.

Front Porch Portraits


Board Member Ellen Morgan offered a summer gift for all interested families. Her family photographic portraits capture strength, beauty, hope and resiliency!


Online Summer Offerings: 

Morning Yoga Class

Orelia Jonathan, SSEF Board Co-chair, offered Morning Yoga Classes on Thursdays


Art Class

Kate Dahmen provided hours of creative exploration and discovery!

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Evening Storytime

Board Member Ababa Abiem entertained and engaged children during evening storytime.

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Cooking Classes

Nancy Winship-Poole shared recipes and kitchen wisdom during her Cooking Classes. 


Thirty  Lessons in Thirty Minutes

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Evelyn Hebrault , Director of the Cairn Hill Preschool in Lynn, provided a special curriculum for preschoolers.

Book Group

Sophie Herant conducted a book group on Wednesday afternoon for older elementary school children.


Books read:

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Dance Contest! 

Part of the Summer Program, SSEF held a dance contest. Please check out the work of Feddy Lavose who work the song and Jon Sachs who put it all togther! … And of course the kids who danced!!

Check out the video!

Thank you the Gloria Dei Foundation for its generous support of the Summer 2020 programming!

SSEF has a long history of Summer Programming. Each summer, for 15 years, SSEF has sent children, 8 years and older, to overnight camp.

In Summer 2019, SSEF sent 30 children between the ages of 8 - 15 to overnight camp, and in Summer 2018, we sent 32 kids.

In Summer 2019, SSEF sent 30 children between the ages of 8 - 15 to overnight camp, and in Summer 2018, we sent 32 kids.

Check out the Summer 2019 camp video!

Many thanks to SSEF's Donors and Camp Partners who made it possible for 30 kids to go to camp this summer! In particular, we're very grateful to Camp Calumet and The American Youth Foundation and Camp Merrowvista for providing generous camperships and such warm welcomes for SSEF Campers! SSEF Donors and Camp Partners make this summer dream a joyful reality! THANK YOU!!!!